
Today we do the Orizzonte ride for the second time. Probably one the most beautiful rides I have ever done. The Giro dell’Orizzonte passes through a military path dating back over 100 years from the First World War. It connects the Bruffione Pass to the Val Marza Pass. All at an altitude of 2000 meters.

This is the day we have been waiting weeks for. We go for a night mountain bike ride to the top of Monte Baldo at an altitude of 2150 mt. The weather is perfect, the temperature won’t be too low when we come down at night. And moreover, we will have a fabulous full moon

Today we start our tour from Riva del Garda We head toward the famous Ponale old road and Punta Larici. The Ponale road was built in the mid-19th century and immediately became the main artery connecting the Ledro valley with the Garda side and was used for normal vehicular traffic. Over the years the original

For the second time I wanted to participate in this fantastic world-famous event, the Sella Ronda Bike Day. Last year the event had 28,000 cyclists. This year, at the first edition in June, despite the fabulous weather, only 25,000 people took part in the event. I think many people are still afraid of Covid. From

I have been several times on the Alpe di Siusi by car or motorbike. As it is Saturday and I am in Ortisei to join the Sella Ronda Bike Day 2022, I have decided to climb the Alpe di Siusi with my road bike tomorrow. Leaving Ortisei I come across the very beautiful Passo Pinei

Awesome ride of 110 km. starting from the city of Orzinuovi Me and 2,000 friends went through ten beautiful towns. Every town with a beautiful castle. The route was fantastic. Passing mainly along the shore of the Oglio river through the very beautiful countryside of this area. This event is organized every year so if